Essential Oil Profile: Black Pepper
It’s sitting on your table next to the salt shaker, I guarantee it. It’s one of the classic partnerships: Peas and Carrots, Fruit and Veggies, Simon and Garfunkel, salt and Pepper.
Black Pepper has been around for a long time. The fruit, which grows from the Piper nigrum vine, is most commonly dried after being plucked. Ancient cultures like the Egyptians and Greeks valued this spice very much and there was even a time when it was used as a form of currency to be traded for gold. But before it is dried, this little fruit can render and essential oil that is equally as valuable.
The uses of Black Pepper Essential oil are endless. It can assist in digestion, is antibacterial and helps with muscle spasms. Of all its incredible qualities, the ability to ward off cold and flu germs is what we at Mr. B’s most value. That is why we put Organic Black Pepper in our immunity boost aromatherapy roll-on.