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    News — camping

    What We're Doing When We're Not Doing Mr. B's

    Sometimes in small business life it can feel like what you do takes over. But we try to be very intentional about not "taking work home" when we can, so that we can enjoy the blessings in this life that God has to offer. Here are some of our favorite things to do: Community. We value living life with others, so many of our days are spent with family and...

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    May Mayhem

    May. It's the month when our hearts are transitioning to all things summer, and we're not going to resist it. Here are some of the things that we're loving this May. This place (the photo above). We have no idea where it is but we want to be there and we want to be there all summer long. Iced green tea. A nice alternative to coffee, and bonus, it's full...

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