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    News — reading

    Our Current Reading List

    If you been with us in the Mr. B's community for a bit now, you've probably picked up on the fact that we both love reading. Our desire for simplicity and entertainment has led to even more reading time, and we are loving it. Here are some of the books we're currently enjoying: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, a novel about the heartbreak of traditional African culture, further confused by the...

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    Fabulous February

    Well, a new year is here, and with it new things that we have discovered (or old things we have rediscovered). Here is some of the goodness that we are enjoying this month: Milk Oolong. We we're roaming around San Fransico kid free with some of our favorite people on the planet, and stumbled into a tea shop where we tried for the first time this amazing tea. War. Like...

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    What We're Doing When We're Not Doing Mr. B's

    Sometimes in small business life it can feel like what you do takes over. But we try to be very intentional about not "taking work home" when we can, so that we can enjoy the blessings in this life that God has to offer. Here are some of our favorite things to do: Community. We value living life with others, so many of our days are spent with family and...

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