This month marks the one-year-anniversary of the opening of our first brick and mortar shop. It is still amazing to us that we even have a shop, and even more amazing that we have already expanded into a bigger space. This time last year, we were working our tails off getting our first ever space ready for opening. We never knew how much work it was going to take, but it was so worth it. We loved sharing our little corner space with our rad partner Julie of Rais Case. In the Spring of last year, we didn’t even have a shop on our radar. We were selling at a lot of local farmers markets and working on increasing our number of wholesale accounts. We had a friend call us out of the blue to share an opportunity of joining in with some other artisans in a shared space/location to make and sell our goods. We thought, prayed, crunched some numbers, and decided to jump on the opportunity, and we are so glad we did! We still feel in no way have we “arrived”, in a business sense. We are still growing, experimenting, learning, and stretching ourselves every day. So here is a tribute to our little corner spot that started us onto a trajectory that could have never dreamed of but love so much![